Making a big impact at Food Bank of Iowa does not require a big impact on your pocketbook. With our Meal Makers monthly donation program, you can make a bigger impact by giving a little each month. Think of your normal spending habits, such as getting coffee or going out to eat. Consider skipping one of those activities once a month and giving to Food Bank of Iowa. It shows that it only takes a little bit to help. For example:

  • $5 latte from a coffee shop = 1 weekend of meals to a child in the BackPack Program
  • $15 subscription to a movie/TV streaming service = 60 meals for a senior-citizen in-need
  • $30 for dinner and drinks at a restaurant = groceries for a small family

Now, imagine the impact all of our monthly donors can have together. Join us in the fight against hunger. Sign up here to be a monthly donor today: