For Susan and her parents, Jim and Mary, supporting the Food Bank of Iowa is a family affair! Susan explained that their ongoing support for the Food Bank started with the desire to volunteer as a family.

Susan says, “It was the Food Bank’s simple mission that started us on this journey. We wanted to support an organization where everyone in our family — from youngest to oldest — could understand the mission and contribute to its success.”

Soon, Jim and Mary joined their daughter and grandchildren as supporters by contributing to the Food Bank of Iowa through their donor advised fund.

“It’s easy to live in your bubble and be unaware of the unmet needs in the community,” Jim says. “The Food Bank allows us to help meet those needs.”

“No one should be hungry. Access to food is not a privilege, it is a basic human right,” Mary says. “The Food Bank of Iowa is working hard to make [food] available to those who have that need. The Food Bank is a vital asset to the community and it is our privilege to be able to help out.”

Jim agrees wholeheartedly. “We are lucky to be able to help out … right here in our community.”

Susan adds, “Having the whole family involved in this endeavor makes our gifts of time and support feel very meaningful. Our family is only a small part of a huge effort. However small, we feel connected to this effort and believe we are making our community a better place to live.”

Heartfelt thanks to Jim, Mary, Susan and family, and everyone who supports the important outreach of Food Bank of Iowa — especially now when the pandemic has driven more people into food insecurity. Together, we’re connecting our hungry neighbors with the food they need!