Bringing hope to Ottumwa

The Lord’s Cupboard first opened its doors all the way back in 1966, but the need for food assistance has continued to grow in the community.
“We’re seeing that in the number of people we serve each month,” said Virginia VanderLinden, director of The Lord’s Cupboard.
Until four years ago, the organization was housed at the First United Methodist Church. When the church closed, The Lord’s Cupboard was temporarily moved to the local Salvation Army before landing at its new location in 2023.
Virginia said the new location is more central to the whole community, so more neighbors have learned about it and are stopping in for food.
“It’s important that people see us,” she added.
The pantry is in one of the poorest counties in the state, Virginia said, and The Lord’s Cupboard served record numbers last summer. She expects that number to grow this year.
The pantry’s goal is to feed and serve people facing hunger. “We’ll keep doing it until we run out of money!” Virginia said.
She credits the 11 volunteers who show up each week to make sure every neighbor who needs food assistance is served.