Geri Galliart’s generations of service

Geri Galliart was there when the Pella Community Food Shelf first started and she’s still there today lending a hand of care and compassion wherever she can.
“We started out with two shelves…and it’s just grown, and [keeps] growing and growing,” Geri says.
More than 30 years ago, the pastor at Peace Lutheran Church in Pella asked members to provide groceries for two members in the congregation, and that was the start of the Food Shelf. Geri and her husband have been part of the journey since the beginning.
“I love the people we serve,” Geri says. “And we try to do all we can.”
Geri has served as treasurer and together with her husband, she also helps pick up donations for the Food Shelf. Each Tuesday morning, the couple can be found at the Food Shelf helping out.
“We started out with hardly anything,” Geri says of the pantry’s early days. “And it’s just grown in the community, such a loving, caring and supportive community.”
Thank you, Geri, for your work to help end hunger in Iowa. And thanks to friends like you for your partnership to do the same!