John pays it forward

When John sees a need in the community, he takes it upon himself to meet it. Just recently, his older neighbor returned home from the hospital, and John has continued to stop by, mow his lawn and make sure everything’s OK.
John enjoys spending time at home with his dogs and riding his motorcycle. Before retiring, he worked in many places, including kitchens and lumberyards. In recent years, however, John has experienced health complications and undergone several heart surgeries.
“I have good days and bad days,” he shares.
Despite the health challenges he’s facing, John continues to care for his dogs, his neighbors and his community. And he’s especially grateful for friends like you, who help ensure he doesn’t have to go without healthy food.
Once a month, John stops in at his local Food Bank of Iowa partner agency to pick out his favorite foods. For more than two years, the food pantry has been a vital resource to help John stretch his limited budget.
In true giving sprit, John returns the help he gets at the pantry. “I volunteer here, too,” he says.
Because you give, John has access to the nutritious food that fuels his health and brings him joy. Thank you!