New records set for food assistance

DES MOINES, Iowa — In January 2023, the most recent month available, Food Bank of Iowa and its partners in 55 counties served a record 168,655 individuals, breaking the previous record of 151,282 served in October 2022. A record number of children – 72,044 – also were served, surpassing the previous record of 68,554 children in November 2022. Nearly half (48%) of those receiving food assistance through Food Bank of Iowa partners are children.
Food insecurity has been on the rise in Iowa for the past year, and it persists across the country. Poverty, inflation and rising food prices continue to fuel the hunger crisis. The U.S. Department of Agriculture forecasts food prices will increase by about 8% this year.
Food Bank of Iowa remains committed to keeping the shelves of its 700 partners (300 of which are pantries) stocked. With a decrease in USDA commodities and retail donations, Food Bank of Iowa is purchasing close to half of its inventory with donor dollars to maintain nutritious staples and fresh produce. Nearly a quarter (23%) of its purchased product is sourced locally through producers and distributors including Anderson-Erickson Dairy, Capital City Fruit, Summertime Farms, Fareway, In Harmony Farms, Picket Fence Creamery, West Liberty Foods and other local producers.
About Food Bank of Iowa
Established in 1982, Food Bank of Iowa provides nutritious food for Iowa children, families, seniors and veterans to lead full and active lives, strengthening the communities where they live. Serving 55 of Iowa’s 99 counties, Food Bank of Iowa delivers 20 million pounds of food to its 700 partners annually. Two hundred of those organizations are in Polk County.
Media contact:
Annette Hacker, VP communications, Food Bank of Iowa, 515-867-2885,