Partner & Program Questions & Answers
- TEFAP and CSFP Beneficiary Referral Request form
- TEFAP Written Notice of Beneficiary Rights
- TEFAP Form – Arabic
- TEFAP Form – Bosnian
- TEFAP Form – Burmese
- TEFAP Form – English
- TEFAP Form – Farsi
- TEFAP Form – French
- TEFAP Form – Laotian
- TEFAP Form – Russian
- TEFAP Form – Somalian
- TEFAP Form – Spanish
- TEFAP Form – Ukrainian
- TEFAP Form – Vietnamese
- Number of households served
- Number of people in those households
- Age range of each person
- Ordering & Delivery
- We purchase a shipment of beef ravioli for 83 cents per pound.
- The shared maintenance fee is 19 cents per pound.
- We absorb 64 cents per pound, or 77%, of the cost of that shipment.
- Fundraising fills the gaps.
- Resources
Who is my contact at Food Bank of Iowa?
Every county in our service area has a regional partnership coordinator (RPC) who serves that county’s partners and programs. Our operations coordinator is dedicated to helping our partners with any customer service or ordering issues.
What guidelines and policies do partners have to follow?
You can review our agency guidelines and policies in the CURRENT Partner Agency Handbook 2023.
How do I update information about my partner agency (e.g., contact info, address, etc.)?
Fill out our Partner Agency Update Form and fax, scan or email it to your regional partnership coordinator.
What are the terms of my partner agency’s agreement with Food Bank of Iowa?
Every partner agency has the same terms of agreement with Food Bank of Iowa. Your regional partnership coordinator can share a copy of your agency’s signed contract with you for review.
How long can I distribute nonperishable food I receive from Food Bank of Iowa?
Nonperishable items have dates printed on their packaging worded as “use by,” “sell by,” “best by,” or other labels. These dates don’t mean that the food is expired on that date, and it’s important to know what’s still safe to distribute. Our rule of thumb is that canned goods are still good for about a year past their date, while boxed foods are still safe to eat for about six months past their date. For more information, read our Shelf Life of Food Bank Products guide or visit the USDA’s website.
What is partner orientation, and when does it take place?
Partner orientation is the best way for new partners and new staff of existing partners to learn about Food Bank of Iowa, what we do and how we can help. During orientation, you’ll receive a facility tour, meet our staff and learn how to order food. Contact your regional partnership coordinator for more details on upcoming orientations.
What does USDA TEFAP mean?
USDA TEFAP is a giant-scale food rescue program. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) acquires surplus food from food producers and then distributes it through The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP).
Who qualifies to receive USDA TEFAP?
The USDA updates the income guidelines for TEFAP each year. Clients must complete a self-declaration form (see below) to attest they meet these guidelines. Your agency is responsible for keeping TEFAP forms on file and up to date. We recommend working with your regional partnership coordinator to ensure you’re following TEFAP guidelines.
What is civil rights training and how do I conduct it?
The USDA requires civil rights training for any organization that distributes TEFAP food. This training ensures Iowans who need food assistance can get it without discrimination. Your regional partnership coordinator will guide you through training your organization.
Use these documents to train your volunteers and track who’s trained:
What records does my agency need to keep?
All partner agencies need to keep records for accurate data reporting. Food pantries that order USDA TEFAP food must use this self-declaration form. In addition, the following must be recorded:
Meal Sites
Meal sites must keep an On-Site Feeding Record. This documents how many meals they serve in a month.
Cold and Frozen Storage
You also need to keep a Temperature Record if you have cold or frozen storage. This applies even if you don’t receive cold or frozen food from us.
Contact your regional partnership coordinator for guidance on record keeping for your agency.
Do I need to report food received from local retail stores?
Yes, you should report food received from local retail stores. We’re affiliated with Feeding America, so we’re required to report donations you receive. Review our Retail Reporting Guide for assistance with submitting data.
How do I report my statistics to Food Bank of Iowa?
Statistical reporting is an important part of your partnership with us. Your regional partnership coordinator is the best resource to guide you through the reporting process. Review our video-based Primarius training for assistance with submitting statistics.
How do I order food from Food Bank of Iowa?
We use Primarius, a system designed for food banks, to track inventory and process orders. Please use our Online Ordering System Training Manual for instructions on how to place an order. If you are located in Region 5, please use R5 Online Ordering System Training Manual.
Once your agency is set up, you can order all kinds of food and other products through our online system. Review our video-based Primarius training for assistance with this process.
Does Food Bank of Iowa sell food?
Food Bank of Iowa doesn’t sell food. Donated food of all kinds is always distributed without any attached cost. We do charge a small, shared maintenance fee to defray shipping, handling and storage costs for certain types of food. At maximum, this is 19 cents per pound.
As you’re ordering, you may see a Value-Added Product (VAP) fee for boxes we buy for packaging bulk items.
For example:
I'm having trouble ordering food online. How can I get help?
Review our video-based Primarius training for assistance with this process. Contact us at 515-564-0330 if you still need help ordering.
Please refer to our Online Ordering System Training Manual for instructions on how to place an order. If you are located in Region 5, please use R5 Online Ordering System Training Manual.
Does Food Bank of Iowa deliver directly to partner agencies?
We deliver across our 55-county service area. Your regional partnership coordinator works with your agency to deliver when the schedule allows.
Do we need to have a loading dock?
You don’t need a loading dock for deliveries. Our driver will unload your order and bring it to your door. You’re responsible for bringing your order indoors.
How do I get included in a delivery?
Contact your Regional Partnership Coordinator (RPC) to be added to a delivery. Your RPC is assigned based on your county.
What is SNAP?
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) used to be known as Food Stamps. SNAP is a federal program that provides funds to qualified individuals for the purchase of their own groceries. SNAP is mainly used through EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) cards that function much like debit cards.
Where can SNAP be used?
SNAP benefits are accepted at a wide variety of stores, including grocery stores, convenience stores, and even farmers markets! Clients using SNAP should look for signs at each store indicating whether they accept SNAP/EBT.
What is the SNAP hotline?
The SNAP hotline is a resource provided by Iowa’s food banks. It helps Iowans determine their eligibility for SNAP and apply for the program. When clients call or email the hotline, a food bank staffer will help them navigate the SNAP process. The hotline can be reached at 855-944-FOOD (3663) or
Who qualifies for SNAP?
USDA income guidelines determine who’s eligible for SNAP benefits. These guidelines are updated annually.
How do people apply for SNAP?
The easiest way for people to apply is through the SNAP hotline, which is provided by Iowa’s food banks. It helps Iowans determine their eligibility and apply for the program. When clients call or email the hotline, a food bank staff member will help them navigate the SNAP process. The hotline can be reached at 855-944-FOOD (3663) or
How can I promote SNAP?
Order these free SNAP sheets for your clients.
Online Ordering System Training Manual
R5 Online Ordering System Training Manual
Civil Rights Training – Instructor Log
Civil Rights Training – Volunteer Log
Civil Rights Training Presentation
Online Ordering Manual (Regions 1-4)
Online Ordering Manual (Region 5)
TEFAP & CSFP Beneficiary Referral Request
Food Safety Test
Please read over the Food Safety PowerPoint before taking the test below.
Want to take the test on paper? Print the Food Safety Test PDF and mail it to Food Bank of Iowa at PO Box 1517, Des Moines, IA 50305. You may also scan and send your printed test to your Regional Partnership Coordinator.
Partner Agency Conference 2023
Click here to watch the 2023 Partner Agency Conference sessions on YouTube.