Host a Fund or Food Drive
Virtual Food (fund) Drive
Forget the heavy lifting, stopping hunger is just a click away with our Virtual Food Drive. In fact, your donation will go further and provides a simple and faster way to help Iowans experiencing hunger.
A virtual food drive is a web-based tool that allows individuals or groups to host an online “food” drive through Food Bank of Iowa. Donations can be made to your fundraising page, giving you or your team a chance to see your progress in real time.
Funds raised helps Food Bank of Iowa purchase our most-needed items for a fraction of the cost at a grocery store. For less than $2, we can feed an Iowan for an entire day.
traditional Food Drive
Food drives of all sizes make a difference. Your food drive can be traditional or virtual. Every pound of food we distribute goes to Iowa children, families, seniors and veterans struggling with hunger. Here’s how to get started and host a successful food drive:
- Set a specific time span, ranging from one week to one month. Keep in mind on when and how you’ll drop off your food donations (see section below for drop-off information).
- Create a space for boxes or bins of food to be collected. Fill out a food drive form.
- Set a goal you think you can reach. Our most needed items include:
- Proteins like canned meat and fish
- Canned vegetables, fruit and soup
- Canned pasta sauce
- Jelly
- Breakfast items including cereal
- 100% fruit juice
- Paper and personal products like toothpaste, soap and toilet paper
- Communicate and promote your food drive with your team. We recommend downloading our Food Drive Tool Kit for tips. We’ve also created a printable flyer that will help your food drive succeed.
Drop Off Your Donations
Please drop off donations at our Des Moines distribution center, 2220 E. 17th St. When you arrive, follow the signs to our donation drop-off area on the southeast side of the building.
We accept donation drop-offs 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays and 8 a.m.–noon on Fridays.

Questions about Hosting a Fund or Food Drive?
For virtual and traditional food drives, contact Donor Relations Coordinator Alyssa Lewton by email or 515-957-2892.