Zuli links neighbors with resources
Zuli is proud to have created Knock and Drop Iowa, a Food Bank of Iowa partner agency.
When the pandemic began in 2020, Zuli immediately noticed how critical the demand was for fresh food. She saw on social media how her neighbors seriously lacked the resources to live healthy, complete lives. That’s why she started Knock and Drop Iowa –to make resources more available to the Latino community in the Des Moines area.
When Zuli started, she says, she was working out of her garage. “We had a few folding tables and six coolers.”
Eventually, word spread and the program grew. Zuli knew she couldn’t continue meeting the need with such limited space and supplies. The Knock and Drop worked out of a church for a bit until the pantry finally settled in a community room at Franklin Junior High.
“We began a partnership with Food Bank of Iowa and that changed everything,” Zuli says. “The need continues to be great but we’re able to meet that need because of the partnership. We still need support and volunteer efforts, but we are so thankful for [Food Bank of Iowa] and all the help they provide.”
It’s a privilege working with neighbors like Zuli who are so dedicated to the well-being of our community! We are grateful to always be expanding our reach in any way possible.