A Note From Our CEO

My world changed significantly on March 13th. I am pretty sure yours did as well. While I grieve the loss of what I loved about my life before COVID-19, I am mindful to celebrate the new opportunities provided by this…


Michelle Book’s Weekly COVID-19 Update: Week Five

With the avalanche of employment claims usurping that of The Great Depression, economic despair has become our second pandemic. Accordingly, we see the need for food assistance continue to expand as affects from layoffs and school closures ripple across our…


Project Zume Des Moines, Iowa

Watch the video below of CEO Michelle Book announcing a new partnership with Food Bank of Iowa, Project Zume. If you live in the central nine counties of Iowa and need food assistance, please call…


Michelle Book’s Weekly COVID-19 Update: Week Four

With the avalanche of employment claims usurping that of The Great Depression, economic despair has become our second pandemic. Accordingly, we see the need for food assistance continue to expand as affects from layoffs and school closures ripple across our…
